Disability Benefits Denied? Explore Your Right to Hire an Attorney

When suffering an injury or illness that prevents you from working, the ability to collect disability benefits can be vital to keeping up with your financial obligations. Consequently, it is not hard to understand why individuals find themselves in a panic if their claim for disability benefits is initially denied. If you have recently found yourself in this same position, you should know that there really is no need to panic. This is because not only do you have the right to appeal this decision, but you also have the right to seek out legal counsel to help you through the appeals process. Continue reading to learn more about disability attorneys and how they can assist you in getting the benefits you need.

Filing Your Appeal

It is important to note that there are time limits associated with your right to file an appeal in your disability case. If you fail to file for an appeal before the deadline, you will need to file a brand new claim for benefits. This could mean that you ultimately miss out on a significant amount of benefits since your benefits will be paid effective as of the date you filed your claim, not the date the claim is finally approved. Therefore you must reach out to a disability attorney as soon as possible if your claim for benefits has been denied. 

Preparing For Your Hearing

Once you have officially filed an appeal in your case, you'll receive a hearing date. This hearing is similar to a court proceeding in the fact that it allows you to present evidence, testimony, and any other documentation that you may have in support of your claim that you do in fact qualify for disability benefits. This evidence is presented to an administrative judge who is then responsible for making the final decision in your case. Since you only get one chance to convince the judge to approve your claim for benefits, you must be well prepared for this hearing. Working with a disability attorney can ensure that you can present your case in the most effective manner possible and ultimately increase the chances that you will be awarded the benefits that you need and deserve. 

Paying For The Help You Need

If you are thinking to yourself, "it would be wonderful to have an attorney assist with my appeal but there is no way I can afford that right now", you are not alone. A lot of people think that there is no way they can afford to hire an attorney to help pursue disability benefits. After all, individuals who are seeking these benefits have typically been out of work for an extended period of time. This is precisely why most disability assistance attorneys do not require any payment upfront. In fact, most of these attorneys will not require any payment at all unless they can successfully get you your benefits since they typically work on contingency.

You really have nothing to lose by choosing to seek out the legal help that you need. To learn more, contact services like http://benefitsclaim.com/
