It can be extremely upsetting and stressful to receive a speeding ticket. Not only does it come with immediate consequences, but it can also have long-lasting effects on your driving record and insurance rates.
What Are The Consequences of a Speeding Ticket?
When you receive a speeding ticket, you not only are required to pay a fine but you may also face additional penalties. Penalties vary depending on the offense's severity and driving history.
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Disinheriting Your Spouse? 5 Steps To Limit Their Inheritance
While many Americans want to use their will to see that their spouse is financially cared for, others don't want to leave money to that spouse. You may fall into the latter category due to estrangement, ongoing divorce negotiations, a strained relationship, or your spouse's financial situation. But can you leave your spouse out of your will? The answer is tricky. Here are five steps to success.
1. Learn Your State Rules
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The Role That A Journal Plays During A Custody Battle
If you are going through a divorce or separation and have children, you may wonder how to get custody of your kids. When determining the ultimate custody arrangement, the judge will look at various aspects of your situation, such as your relationship with your child, ability to provide for their needs, mental and physical health, work schedule, living arrangements, and any history of abuse or neglect. You must come to court with the correct documentation.
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How Do You Document Pain And Suffering In A Personal Injury Case?
Documenting pain and suffering is a critical part of most damages claims in personal injury law. Understandably, people often wonder how you can document injuries that aren't necessarily visible. A personal injury lawyer approaches the issue from these four angles.
The simplest documentation of pain and suffering comes from journals. An accident injury attorney will have their clients make daily notes. Each note will be relatively small. The note will explain what they felt that day and how they rated the intensity.
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